Priority Levels A through C in this column specify the character’s starting attribute rating (either Magic or Resonance) along with a number of skills and spells or complex forms for their character as listed in the appropriate box. Additionally, the Life as a Magic User in 2075 and Life as a Technomancer in 2075 sidebars help players know what they’re getting into if they choose these kinds of characters. For a quick reference on the var iety of magic users available in Shadowrun, Fif th Edition, refer to the Magic User Types sidebar. Players who desire none of these character options choose Pr ior ity E for this column. This is a column for players who want to be magic users (adepts, aspected magicians, mages, shamans, and mystic adepts) or technomancers. The next column of the Pr ior ity Table is Magic or Resonance.
Basics // Combat // Magic // Matrix // Driving // Character Creation